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Who is Rachel Ziemer?

Preserving Our Hamilton Commitment to Excellence


I have two kids, who keep me in constant motion. When Covid hit, we worked and learned from home. I saw change begin in our School District; I took notice. As change continued, my calling to be a part of our for School Board grew. 


I have an amazing family, a career that has given me skills that will transfer well to this role, I love God and am now running for Hamilton School Board.

Our Hamilton foundation is strong, but needs to be preserved


Pillars to Preservation

1. Remove emotionally charged equity lessons, assignments, and books that do not belong in Hamilton schools  (No CRT / No Equity messages / Preserve the library selection to books about children's topics) 


2. Restore Medical Freedoms to parents and children (Masks)


3. Preserve our strong Hamilton performance levels (Academics, sports, extracurriculars / Staff)


4. Fiscal Responsibility means handling district spending, like you run your home.  I will approach every budget topic with a quest for truth, asking questions and ensuring the community. supports the District's decisions


Don't believe this stuff is happening? Start digging, do your own research.  Equity and adult content books found in the Brookfield schools library, other states are banning CRT (if it doesn't exist, why would anyone fight against banning it?) 



We are not to the level of change required in many other local areas - let's keep it that way,

VOTE Rachel Ziemer for Hamilton School Board on April 5, 2022​















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